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Starred MU | x30 dynamic | 3D Camera | Opening 21 FEBRUARY | 21.02.2024 | Let's GO!

30/11/2024 01:01
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‼ Freebie welcome bonus:
Get FREE Credits to spend in game xShop for everyone! Visit our website to find out how to claim them!

⚠ Exclusive Rank Quest! Do simple quests, increase rank and get rewards!

⚠ Special Reset Rewards: 
- Damage, HP, DD, REF +2% extra each 5 resets!
- Bonus Wcoins and Items by reaching specific resets!

Starred MU | x30 dynamic | 3D Camera | Opening 21 FEBRUARY | 21.02.2024 | Let's GO! Banner_x30_2021-16


Server Website:
GAME FAQ (Guides & Tutorials):

General Information

Version: Season 12 Full
Regular Experience: 30x
Master Experience: 40x
Max Regular Level: 400
Max Master Level: 500
Monster Item Drop: 20%
Max Stats per 1 Characteristic: 32000
Max Stats Total: 28000+ / 29400+
Points Per Level: 5/7
Web Item Shop: OFF
Grand Resets: OFF
In-Game X Shop: ON
Offattack / Offleveling: ON
View of 3D Camera: ON
Antihack / Anticheat: ON
Low Performance Mode: F9 to ON / OFF

Dynamic Experience

0 to 20 reset experience: 30x (100%)
21 to 40 reset experience: 27x (90%)
41 to 60 reset experience: 24x (80%)
61 to 70 reset experience: 20x (66%)

Reset Information

Command /reset in game
Level: 400
Price: 5kk Zen
Free stat Points BK, SM, ELF, SUM: 400
Free stat points MG, DL, RF, GL: 420
Reward: 50 Wcoins
Special Reward on 10 Resets: 1000 Wcoins + Condor Feather
Special Reward on 20 Resets: 1500 Wcoins + Jewel Skill
Special Reward on 30 Resets: 2000 Wcoins + 3x Jewel of Excellent
Special Reward on 40 Resets: 2500 Wcoins + 3x Jewel of Luck
Special Reward on 50 Resets: 3000 Wcoins + 3x Jewel of Level
Special Reward on 60 Resets: 3500 Wcoins + 3x Ancient Socket
Special Reward on 70 Resets: 4000 Wcoins + 3x Ancient Excellent
Special Character Bonus: Damage, HP, DD, REF +2% each 5 resets
Max Reset Count: 70

Starred MU | x30 dynamic | 3D Camera | Opening 21 FEBRUARY | 21.02.2024 | Let's GO! Banner_x30_2021-16

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